Sask. asks court to penalize Anishinabe man over published jail videos experts say show torture

The Saskatchewan government is asking the provincial court to penalize Matthew Michel, an Anishinabe man they claim breached court rules following the publication of information and video from inside a youth jail showing staff immobilizing him with a restraint device while he wept, hyperventilated and asked for death.

Sask. asks court to penalize Anishinabe man over published jail videos experts say show torture
A man with arm and neck tattoos, wearing a blue T-Shirt, stands outside a boarded up house, smoking a cigarette.

The Saskatchewan government is asking the provincial court to penalize Matthew Michel, an Anishinabe man they claim breached court rules following the publication of information and video from inside a youth jail showing staff immobilizing him with a restraint device while he wept, hyperventilated and asked for death.