At age 93, this St. Thomas, Ont., senior stays active doing more sports than you can imagine

Age is just a number for 93-year-old Stan Grohar of St. Thomas, Ont. The senior has a daily winter ritual of skiing at London's Boler Mountain and the self-proclaimed "adrenaline junkie" keeps active throughout the year.

At age 93, this St. Thomas, Ont., senior stays active doing more sports than you can imagine
Stan Grohar, 93, makes it a daily priority to go skiing at Boler Mountain in London. In addition to hitting the slopes, he kayaks and has recently taken up line dancing.

Age is just a number for 93-year-old Stan Grohar of St. Thomas, Ont. The senior has a daily winter ritual of skiing at London's Boler Mountain and the self-proclaimed "adrenaline junkie" keeps active throughout the year.