Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism

The gunshot pop of tailpipes, the roar of engines and the sound of tires screaming rubber against pavement evoke a range of emotions. A Western University prof in London, Ont., wondered "who wants to make this kind of noise." Her study suggests young men who love loud cars tend to score high on psychopathic and sadistic tendencies and she plans to expand on it.

Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism
a woman posing with a pickup truck

The gunshot pop of tailpipes, the roar of engines and the sound of tires screaming rubber against pavement evoke a range of emotions. A Western University prof in London, Ont., wondered "who wants to make this kind of noise." Her study suggests young men who love loud cars tend to score high on psychopathic and sadistic tendencies and she plans to expand on it.