Key legal questions as 5 ex-Canadian world junior hockey players in sex assault case set for 1st court hearing

With five former members of Canada's 2018 World Junior hockey team set for their first court hearing today, lawyers not involved in the case weigh in on how the proceedings in London, Ont., and the trial to come could play out. Four NHL players, now on leave from their teams, and one former NHLer face sexual assault charges.

Key legal questions as 5 ex-Canadian world junior hockey players in sex assault case set for 1st court hearing
Five men are pictured in a composite

With five former members of Canada's 2018 World Junior hockey team set for their first court hearing today, lawyers not involved in the case weigh in on how the proceedings in London, Ont., and the trial to come could play out. Four NHL players, now on leave from their teams, and one former NHLer face sexual assault charges.