This Canadian boxed her way into an international hall of fame after a life in combat sports

Kara Ro grew up in Sudbury, Ont., and played an array of sports. After moving to Windsor, Ont., she found her love for boxing, going undefeated in 18 pro fights. Next year in Las Vegas, Ro will join only a handful of other Canadians who've been inducted into the International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame.

This Canadian boxed her way into an international hall of fame after a life in combat sports
Canadian boxer and combat sports trainer Kara Ro is being inducted into the 2025 International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame.

Kara Ro grew up in Sudbury, Ont., and played an array of sports. After moving to Windsor, Ont., she found her love for boxing, going undefeated in 18 pro fights. Next year in Las Vegas, Ro will join only a handful of other Canadians who've been inducted into the International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame.