Oilers playoff run helping Sask. family through their baby's extended hospital stay

Baby Mark Lay has been in the hospital since being born 12 weeks premature at just 2 pounds. His hospital bed at the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital in Saskatoon is adorned with orange and blue Edmonton Oilers memorabilia, including a hockey stick, pucks and a sign that reads Baby's 1st Stanley Cup Playoff.

Oilers playoff run helping Sask. family through their baby's extended hospital stay
Baby Mark's hospital bed at the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital is adorned with orange and blue memorabilia, including a hockey stick, pucks and a sign that reads Baby's 1st Stanley Cup Playoff.

Baby Mark Lay has been in the hospital since being born 12 weeks premature at just 2 pounds. His hospital bed at the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital in Saskatoon is adorned with orange and blue Edmonton Oilers memorabilia, including a hockey stick, pucks and a sign that reads Baby's 1st Stanley Cup Playoff.