N.L. couple's love story inspires high school scholarship rewarding positivity and grit

Tom and Loretta Burrell didn't get a storybook ending. The U.S. serviceman suffered a traumatic brain injury in a freak accident at the base gym in Stephenville in 1966 and was disabled for the rest of his life. Loretta Burrell has set up a scholarship in his honour.

N.L. couple's love story inspires high school scholarship rewarding positivity and grit
An elderly woman with grey hair and glasses wears a white and blue plaid shirt. A younger woman with a red plaid shirt sits next to her. Both are smiling.

Tom and Loretta Burrell didn't get a storybook ending. The U.S. serviceman suffered a traumatic brain injury in a freak accident at the base gym in Stephenville in 1966 and was disabled for the rest of his life. Loretta Burrell has set up a scholarship in his honour.