B.C. helps finance First Nations-led housing development. Can this model be scaled nationwide?

The B.C. government announced on Thursday that first-time homebuyers will be prioritized for an Indigenous-led condominium project in Vancouver, which the province will now support with financing. The units will be offered under 99-year leases. Tom Davidoff, director of the UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate, joins Canada Tonight to discuss this project.

B.C. helps finance First Nations-led housing development. Can this model be scaled nationwide?
First Nations-led housing development in B.C.

The B.C. government announced on Thursday that first-time homebuyers will be prioritized for an Indigenous-led condominium project in Vancouver, which the province will now support with financing. The units will be offered under 99-year leases. Tom Davidoff, director of the UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate, joins Canada Tonight to discuss this project.