Accountability and Antisemitism: The Canadian Heritage Committee Needs To Step Up - Michael Geist

Concerns about the terrifying growth of antisemitism in Canada have been top of mind for me and many in the Jewish community for weeks. While some have thankfully spoken up, discouragingly too many remain silent despite shootings at Jewish schools, molotov cocktails and vandalism at Jewish community centres, and threats at Jewish businesses and homes. We desperately need strong, unequivocal action from our leaders, colleagues, and neighbours. Yesterday, I appeared before the Canadian Heritage committee as part of its study on “Tech Giants’ Current and Ongoing Use of Intimidation and Subversion Tactics to Evade Regulations in Canada and Across the World”. I’ll post more on the appearance on this odd study shortly - my focus was on how regulatory capture from legacy creator groups and News Media Canada undermined the Bill C-11 and C-18 process - but the discussion provided the opportunity to urge the committee to ensure accountability on antisemitism.

Accountability and Antisemitism: The Canadian Heritage Committee Needs To Step Up - Michael Geist
Concerns about the terrifying growth of antisemitism in Canada have been top of mind for me and many in the Jewish community for weeks. While some have thankfully spoken up, discouragingly too many remain silent despite shootings at Jewish schools, molotov cocktails and vandalism at Jewish community centres, and threats at Jewish businesses and homes. We desperately need strong, unequivocal action from our leaders, colleagues, and neighbours. Yesterday, I appeared before the Canadian Heritage committee as part of its study on “Tech Giants’ Current and Ongoing Use of Intimidation and Subversion Tactics to Evade Regulations in Canada and Across the World”. I’ll post more on the appearance on this odd study shortly - my focus was on how regulatory capture from legacy creator groups and News Media Canada undermined the Bill C-11 and C-18 process - but the discussion provided the opportunity to urge the committee to ensure accountability on antisemitism.