With a paddle and a pack, this B.C. MP meets his constituents where they live

Paddling solo for 174 KM down the Kispiox and Skeena rivers in northwestern British Columbia each summer, NDP MP Taylor Bachrach encounters rapids, storms, grizzly bears and a spectacular landscape in his unusual effort to connect with constituents. 

With a paddle and a pack, this B.C. MP meets his constituents where they live
A close up picture of a man in a canoe wearing a full brimmed hat, sunglasses and holding a paddle. The canoe is in the Skeena River in B.C.

Paddling solo for 174 KM down the Kispiox and Skeena rivers in northwestern British Columbia each summer, NDP MP Taylor Bachrach encounters rapids, storms, grizzly bears and a spectacular landscape in his unusual effort to connect with constituents.