Stripped of dignity, $22 left after rent — stories emerge as Ontario sued for halting basic income pilot

Tracey Crosson is left with just $22 after paying rent. Single dad Joshua Hewitt feels his dignity has been "stripped away." As Ontario faces a certified class action lawsuit, some of the thousands who benefited from the basic income pilot project share stories of how life has been since it was scrapped early, in 2018, by the Ford government.

Stripped of dignity, $22 left after rent — stories emerge as Ontario sued for halting basic income pilot
A person wearing a toque holds a young child who has a pacifier in their mouth.

Tracey Crosson is left with just $22 after paying rent. Single dad Joshua Hewitt feels his dignity has been "stripped away." As Ontario faces a certified class action lawsuit, some of the thousands who benefited from the basic income pilot project share stories of how life has been since it was scrapped early, in 2018, by the Ford government.