Quebec teen blocked at U.S. border during field trip. Why? His father's Iranian military service

An incident at the border that left a Laval, Que., high school student 'devastated' and his father in tears is the latest in a string of difficulties for Iranian Canadians, as the Canadian and American governments grapple with how to take a stance against Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Quebec teen blocked at U.S. border during field trip. Why? His father's Iranian military service
Laval teen Kian Morshedian looks at his father Amir in the foreground, with a Quebec to United States border crossing in background

An incident at the border that left a Laval, Que., high school student 'devastated' and his father in tears is the latest in a string of difficulties for Iranian Canadians, as the Canadian and American governments grapple with how to take a stance against Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps.