Ontario man guilty of allergy testing fraud in U.S. was key employee of DNA lab in paternity controversy

Kyle Tsui, who is currently in a U.S. jail awaiting sentencing for running a fraudulent allergy testing company, also worked in a Canadian DNA laboratory that a CBC News investigation found has a history of producing wrong paternity results.

Ontario man guilty of allergy testing fraud in U.S. was key employee of DNA lab in paternity controversy
Tsui appeared on Toronto TV station CP24 representing Viaguard in 2014 when news emerged that the laboratory had found a genetic link between former prime minister John Diefenbaker and George Dryden, his suspected illegitimate son.

Kyle Tsui, who is currently in a U.S. jail awaiting sentencing for running a fraudulent allergy testing company, also worked in a Canadian DNA laboratory that a CBC News investigation found has a history of producing wrong paternity results.