Next court date for 5 ex-Canadian world junior hockey players in sex assault case set for April 30

A brief hearing for five former players on Canada's 2018 world junior hockey team was held Monday morning in London, Ont., via video link, with their lawyers appearing on their behalf and April 30 set as their next court appearance in the sexual assault case. Police in the southwestern Ontario city will address a news conference beginning at 2 p.m. ET.

Next court date for 5 ex-Canadian world junior hockey players in sex assault case set for April 30
Five men are pictured in a composite

A brief hearing for five former players on Canada's 2018 world junior hockey team was held Monday morning in London, Ont., via video link, with their lawyers appearing on their behalf and April 30 set as their next court appearance in the sexual assault case. Police in the southwestern Ontario city will address a news conference beginning at 2 p.m. ET.