Lawyer for Edmundson challenges woman's claim about his bunkmate, sex assault trial hears

A woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by Haydn Edmundson on a naval vessel could not have woken up his bunkmate during an alleged outburst over seeing his naked body exposed because the retired vice-admiral was sleeping alone during that time, his lawyer charged on Wednesday.

Lawyer for Edmundson challenges woman's claim about his bunkmate, sex assault trial hears
Retired vice-admiral Haydn Edmundson, left, charged with one count of sexual assault and one count indecent exposure, heads into an Ottawa courtroom Wednesday morning accompanied by his lawyer Brian Greenspan. Edmundson has pleaded not guilty and denied all wrongdoing.

A woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by Haydn Edmundson on a naval vessel could not have woken up his bunkmate during an alleged outburst over seeing his naked body exposed because the retired vice-admiral was sleeping alone during that time, his lawyer charged on Wednesday.