It's here, it's real: Elation ensues amid WNBA expansion announcement of 'Canada's Team'

In a jam-packed press conference at a swanky downtown hotel, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert announced that the league had awarded its 14th team to the City of Toronto. Mayor Olivia Chow proclaimed May 23, 2024 as WNBA Day in Toronto, another cherry on this massively delectable metaphoric cake.

It's here, it's real: Elation ensues amid WNBA expansion announcement of 'Canada's Team'
Two men and a woman pose for a photo while the man in the middle holds a basketball.

In a jam-packed press conference at a swanky downtown hotel, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert announced that the league had awarded its 14th team to the City of Toronto. Mayor Olivia Chow proclaimed May 23, 2024 as WNBA Day in Toronto, another cherry on this massively delectable metaphoric cake.