He won $20K in small claims court after suing a shady contractor — 7 years later he's still trying to collect

Nova Scotia man Peter Dobson took his contractor to small claims court and won — the contractor was ordered to pay more than $20,000 for unfinished work. Seven years later, he says he hasn't seen a dime. Legal experts warn winning in small claims court — touted as an easier way to get justice — doesn't mean you'll get your money.

He won $20K in small claims court after suing a shady contractor — 7 years later he's still trying to collect
A solemn-looking bald man wearing a dark polo shirt looks into the camera.

Nova Scotia man Peter Dobson took his contractor to small claims court and won — the contractor was ordered to pay more than $20,000 for unfinished work. Seven years later, he says he hasn't seen a dime. Legal experts warn winning in small claims court — touted as an easier way to get justice — doesn't mean you'll get your money.