From student to author to hospital volunteer, this N.S. teen is making waves from China

Ahnaleigh Simmonds, 15, speaks fluent Chinese, she’s a published author and she’s a dedicated volunteer at an international hospital in China — administering vaccines, conducting patient surveys and helping organize events.​​​​​​​

From student to author to hospital volunteer, this N.S. teen is making waves from China
A collage of three images. The image of the right shows people learning CPR. The middle image shows a young girl smiling and posing for a photo. The image on the right shows a young woman wearing a basket uniform with her backed turned.

Ahnaleigh Simmonds, 15, speaks fluent Chinese, she’s a published author and she’s a dedicated volunteer at an international hospital in China — administering vaccines, conducting patient surveys and helping organize events.​​​​​​​