Cut, colour and cats: This N.L. salon is helping these kitties find their furever home

Gander’s Strand Salon offers the regular services, but its surprising and informal partnership with the SPCA has proved to be an successful one. This year, co-owners Amber Hanlon and Amy Cheeks say they’ve had 16 cats call their business home (albeit temporarily) before kitties and clients go away happy. The CBC’s Martin Jones stops by to see the latest furball.

Cut, colour and cats: This N.L. salon is helping these kitties find their furever home

Gander’s Strand Salon offers the regular services, but its surprising and informal partnership with the SPCA has proved to be an successful one. This year, co-owners Amber Hanlon and Amy Cheeks say they’ve had 16 cats call their business home (albeit temporarily) before kitties and clients go away happy. The CBC’s Martin Jones stops by to see the latest furball.