Closing arguments in admitted Winnipeg serial killer's trial followed by rally to search landfill

The trial of an admitted Winnipeg serial killer heard duelling arguments Monday during closing submissions about whether Jeremy Skibicki was driven by psychotic symptoms and delusions linked to schizophrenia when he killed four women in 2022, or whether he preyed on vulnerable women at homeless shelters before committing four planned, deliberate murders.

Closing arguments in admitted Winnipeg serial killer's trial followed by rally to search landfill
A number of people dance in a circle while holding hands.

The trial of an admitted Winnipeg serial killer heard duelling arguments Monday during closing submissions about whether Jeremy Skibicki was driven by psychotic symptoms and delusions linked to schizophrenia when he killed four women in 2022, or whether he preyed on vulnerable women at homeless shelters before committing four planned, deliberate murders.