Christine Blasey Ford's testimony against Kavanaugh made her a target. But she would do it again

Christine Blasey Ford was propelled into the public sphere in 2018 when she testified in front of the U.S. Senate judiciary committee that Brett Kavanaugh, then a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, sexually assaulted her when they were both teenagers. Now she's revisiting those dark days in her new memoir.

Christine Blasey Ford's testimony against Kavanaugh made her a target. But she would do it again
Closeup of a woman with long blonde hair speaking into a microphone

Christine Blasey Ford was propelled into the public sphere in 2018 when she testified in front of the U.S. Senate judiciary committee that Brett Kavanaugh, then a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, sexually assaulted her when they were both teenagers. Now she's revisiting those dark days in her new memoir.