Chippewa teen who set up pet food bank gears up for veterinary school

This week Chippewas of the Thames community members are bidding a bittersweet goodbye to Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley, an 18-year-old who's devoted much of her young life to helping animals.

Chippewa teen who set up pet food bank gears up for veterinary school
After spending the past few years running a pet food bank in her community, Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley of Chippewas of the Thames is headed of to study veterinary medicine at Lakehead University. She wants to focus on large animal care so she can help pets like Reba, an American miniature horse.

This week Chippewas of the Thames community members are bidding a bittersweet goodbye to Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley, an 18-year-old who's devoted much of her young life to helping animals.