Canada's Zach Edey powers Purdue into U.S. men's college basketball finals

Purdue kept its March Madness dream alive while snuffing out North Carolina State's, getting 20 points and 12 rebounds from Zach Edey in a 63-50 victory Saturday in Glendale, Ariz., that placed the Boilermakers a win from their first NCAA title.

Canada's Zach Edey powers Purdue into U.S. men's college basketball finals
A men's basketball player goes up against an opponent while holding the ball.

Purdue kept its March Madness dream alive while snuffing out North Carolina State's, getting 20 points and 12 rebounds from Zach Edey in a 63-50 victory Saturday in Glendale, Ariz., that placed the Boilermakers a win from their first NCAA title.