Canada's Zach Edey leads Purdue to U.S. men's college basketball Final Four

Canadian big man Zach Edey went for a career-high 40 points along with 16 rebounds and one big block to muscle the Purdue Boilermakers into the program's first Final Four since 1980 with a 72-66 victory over Tennessee on Sunday in Detroit.

Canada's Zach Edey leads Purdue to U.S. men's college basketball Final Four
A male basketball player wearing number 15 dunks the ball with both hands during a game.

Canadian big man Zach Edey went for a career-high 40 points along with 16 rebounds and one big block to muscle the Purdue Boilermakers into the program's first Final Four since 1980 with a 72-66 victory over Tennessee on Sunday in Detroit.