Canada’s Bill C-18 and The Energy Mix | The Energy Mix

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENERGY MIX As Big Tech companies throttle Canadian media in response to the Online News Act passed earlier this year, the sharing of online news content has been blocked for Canadians, threatening our democracy. At The Energy Mix, we’ve always made it our mission to keep Canadians connected to critical news […]

Canada’s Bill C-18 and The Energy Mix | The Energy Mix
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENERGY MIX As Big Tech companies throttle Canadian media in response to the Online News Act passed earlier this year, the sharing of online news content has been blocked for Canadians, threatening our democracy. At The Energy Mix, we’ve always made it our mission to keep Canadians connected to critical news […]