Canada almost wiped out syphilis. Now rates are skyrocketing — as more women, infants getting infected

The latest federal data shows there were nearly 14,000 cases of infectious syphilis across the country in 2022, as well as 117 instances of early congenital syphilis. And the rates have been rising for years. Is Canada doing enough to curb the trend?

Canada almost wiped out syphilis. Now rates are skyrocketing — as more women, infants getting infected
Colorized electron micrograph of Treponema pallidum, the spiral-shaped bacteria that cause syphilis.

The latest federal data shows there were nearly 14,000 cases of infectious syphilis across the country in 2022, as well as 117 instances of early congenital syphilis. And the rates have been rising for years. Is Canada doing enough to curb the trend?