Broken teeth and infected gums: 46K claims filed so far with Canadian Dental Care Plan

An Ottawa dentist who signed up to provide care under the new public dental insurance program says he hasn't seen mouths in such bad shape since he did mission work overseas. The number of oral health care providers in the plan is growing, despite some dentists's concerns about how the program is being run.

Broken teeth and infected gums: 46K claims filed so far with Canadian Dental Care Plan
Ottawa dentist Dr. Melvin Lee is seen examining the mouth of a senior patient on May 1, 2024, the first day that coverage began under the Canadian Dental Care Plan.

An Ottawa dentist who signed up to provide care under the new public dental insurance program says he hasn't seen mouths in such bad shape since he did mission work overseas. The number of oral health care providers in the plan is growing, despite some dentists's concerns about how the program is being run.