Bird flu is rampant in animals. Humans ignore it at our own peril

Mark Naniot remembers 2022 as the summer from hell. As the co-founder of Wild Instincts animal rescue in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, Naniot and his team spent the season sweating in gloves, gowns, smocks and masks and going through what felt like endless rounds of disinfection as they moved between the cages of the sick and injured animals they cared for.

Bird flu is rampant in animals. Humans ignore it at our own peril
Mark Naniot remembers 2022 as the summer from hell. As the co-founder of Wild Instincts animal rescue in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, Naniot and his team spent the season sweating in gloves, gowns, smocks and masks and going through what felt like endless rounds of disinfection as they moved between the cages of the sick and injured animals they cared for.