Belleville, Ont., police officers acquitted of assault causing bodily harm in arrest of Mohawk man

Belleville police officers Paul Fyke and Jeffrey Smith were each charged in May 2021 with assault causing bodily harm in relation to the arrest of Baptiste Jr., a gas station owner from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Both were acquitted of assault causing bodily harm, but Smith was found guilty of the lesser charge of assault.

Belleville, Ont., police officers acquitted of assault causing bodily harm in arrest of Mohawk man
A man and woman sit at a kitchen table.

Belleville police officers Paul Fyke and Jeffrey Smith were each charged in May 2021 with assault causing bodily harm in relation to the arrest of Baptiste Jr., a gas station owner from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Both were acquitted of assault causing bodily harm, but Smith was found guilty of the lesser charge of assault.