B.C. mining company denies ethics watchdog's claim it used forced Uyghur labour in China

The company, Dynasty Gold Corp., says it's being tarnished by baseless allegations and the timelines make no sense — but ombudsperson Sheri Meyerhoffer said companies are responsible for holdings they jointly control.

B.C. mining company denies ethics watchdog's claim it used forced Uyghur labour in China
Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE), Sheri Meyerhoffer, holds a news conference in Ottawa on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. Ottawa's corporate-ethics watchdog has announced investigations into a mining corporation and the Canadian branch of Nike for possible forced labour in supply chains.

The company, Dynasty Gold Corp., says it's being tarnished by baseless allegations and the timelines make no sense — but ombudsperson Sheri Meyerhoffer said companies are responsible for holdings they jointly control.