Assault charges laid against another staff member of Sask. private Christian school

A fifth staff member of a Saskatoon private Christian school has been charged with assaulting a student. CBC News has also learned that Valour Academy gave the accused a school "courage" award in the weeks following the alleged assault, and that she was working as a teacher but is not certified.

Assault charges laid against another staff member of Sask. private Christian school
This Saskatoon school will now be known as Valour Academy. It was formerly called Legacy Christian Academy and Christian Centre Academy. Critics say it's an attempt to distance the school from abuse allegations.

A fifth staff member of a Saskatoon private Christian school has been charged with assaulting a student. CBC News has also learned that Valour Academy gave the accused a school "courage" award in the weeks following the alleged assault, and that she was working as a teacher but is not certified.