As Gazans slowly start to arrive in Canada, their families fear for those left behind

In January, Abeer Abusharar applied for her parents, siblings, sisters-in-law and kids to evacuate Gaza through the extended family visa program. Five months later, only one brother and his family have made it to Canada.

As Gazans slowly start to arrive in Canada, their families fear for those left behind
Abeer Abusharar (center) spent months trying to get her brother Oun, his wife Haneen and their son Sanad out of Gaza through Canada's special visa program from extended family. They landed in Montreal on May 6 after evacuating Gaza by paying a $15,000 bribe.

In January, Abeer Abusharar applied for her parents, siblings, sisters-in-law and kids to evacuate Gaza through the extended family visa program. Five months later, only one brother and his family have made it to Canada.