Adrenalin can save a heart but hurt the brain. Canadian research aims to find best dose for a potent drug

When someone suffers cardiac arrest, adrenalin can restart their heart. But scientists say high doses of the drug can also lead to brain damage. Now a massive Canadian study is trying to find out the "sweet spot" to save lives — and thousands of real patients will be the test subjects.

Adrenalin can save a heart but hurt the brain. Canadian research aims to find best dose for a potent drug
Dr. Steve Lin, the interim chief of emergency medicine at Unity Health Toronto's St. Michael's Hospital, stands between two ambulances.

When someone suffers cardiac arrest, adrenalin can restart their heart. But scientists say high doses of the drug can also lead to brain damage. Now a massive Canadian study is trying to find out the "sweet spot" to save lives — and thousands of real patients will be the test subjects.