3 missing letters in his name cost man $10K trip after Air Transat and Porter fail to fix ticket

A P.E.I. man says he is in disbelief — and out thousands of dollars for a dream trip to Ireland with his wife — after Porter Airlines wouldn't let him board the plane over a name discrepancy. His airline ticket bore the name “Doug,” but his passport said “Douglas.” Critic says airlines have a duty to fix minor ticket errors.

3 missing letters in his name cost man $10K trip after Air Transat and Porter fail to fix ticket
An older couple with white hair sit beside each other on small arm chairs in their living room.

A P.E.I. man says he is in disbelief — and out thousands of dollars for a dream trip to Ireland with his wife — after Porter Airlines wouldn't let him board the plane over a name discrepancy. His airline ticket bore the name “Doug,” but his passport said “Douglas.” Critic says airlines have a duty to fix minor ticket errors.