2 major arts festivals in Toronto are becoming roommates. It's about creativity and cost-savings

Toronto’s two major arts festivals are becoming roommates. The Luminato Festival is moving into the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Lightbox downtown — a move both CEOs say they hope will spark creativity, as well as cost savings, at a time when arts organizations are struggling.

2 major arts festivals in Toronto are becoming roommates. It's about creativity and cost-savings
The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Bell Lightbox is seen in the Entertainment District of  Toronto. TIFF and lead sponsor Bell announced they will be parting ways after this year.

Toronto’s two major arts festivals are becoming roommates. The Luminato Festival is moving into the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Lightbox downtown — a move both CEOs say they hope will spark creativity, as well as cost savings, at a time when arts organizations are struggling.